PERIDOT is the Hubert Curien partnership set up between France and Pakistan. In France it is developed by the Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) and in Pakistan by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
Application Timeline
Date of the Application Call
01 July 2024
Closing Date for Project Submission
01 October 2024
Dissemination of Results
End of February 2025
Start of Projects
March 2025
ATTENTION: to be eligible, the project must be submitted to both the French and the Pakistani parties.
Project leaders are invited to submit their applications in advance in order to avoid technical hazards that could compromise their application within the set deadlines.
The application form must be written in English.
French Researchers will find the link to application on the Campus France website
Pakistani Researchers must apply through the HEC website
The CVs of all the Pakistani project leaders and project participants must be attached to the application form.
Types of Projects Concerned
The objective of this program is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Pakistani research laboratories, by promoting new cooperation and the participation of young researchers and doctoral candidates.
Mentioned below three (3) priority areas have been identified for the 11th call of applications:
- Renewable energy, environment and climate change
- Agriculture, food security and health
- Humanities, social science and entrepreneurship
Please note: preference will be given to projects focusing on the societal challenges of environmental change.
Conditions for Team Eligibility
The call for applications is open to full researchers from research laboratories attached to higher education institutions or research organisations.
Only applications co-submitted by the partner researchers to the authorities responsible for the programme in their respective countries will be declared admissible. French researchers must check with their partner
Project Evaluation Criteria
- Scientific quality of the project and teams.
- Active participation of young researchers, in particular doctoral or post-doctoral fellows.
- Interest of cooperation and complementarity of French and foreign teams.
- Prospects for structuring or enhancing the project. Network projects with a European dimension will be considered as priorities. Researchers thus have the opportunity to submit an application under another PHC, on the same research theme.
- Reciprocity (missions both France-> Pakistan and Pakistan-> France)
Modalities of Procedure
The duration of projects is a maximum of three years and funding is granted on annual basis.
It covers only the cost of mobility between the two countries of the researchers involved in the programme.
Any other funding necessary for the implementation of joint projects must be provided by the partner laboratories' own resources or by other sources.
Expenses Eligibility
Campus France covers the payment of the living allowances and the travel of the researchers of the French team to Pakistan.
HEC-Pakistan covers the payment of the living allowances and travel of the researchers of the Pakistani team to France.
- It can take a long time to arrange and obtain France Visa in Pakistan so it is advisable to start applying for visas at the Embassy of France in Pakistan at least 2 months before the planned mobility.
- Pakistani researchers going to France must attach to their visa application (in addition to the other administrative documents requested) the hosting agreement (, the project selection notifications (from Campus France and the Pakistani HEC) and a summary of the scientific project.
Contacts for the program
For the French part
Sabine Vermillard
Attachée de coopération scientifique et universitaire
Ambassade de France au Pakistan
Diplomatic Enclave G-5
Islamabad - PAKISTAN
Email :
Campus France
Gestion PHC
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris
Email :
For the Pakistani side
Mme Uzma NAZ
R&D Division
Higher Education Commission
Sector H-9 - Islamabad
HEC main building
Tél. : +92-51-904019323
Email :